Saturday, June 10, 2023

Chagim / Holidays: Tisha B'Av / The 9th of Av

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Tisha B'Av / The 9th of Av

Free Cross-Curricular and Montessori projects and activities for ages 2-18 years old. Interactive; Videos, Traditions, Science, Psychology, Reflection /Introspection, Social Graces, Songs, Dance, Crafts, Montessori, Literature, Grammar, Art, Math, Games, History, Geography, Archeology, Heritage,
Philosophy, as well as thought provoking activities and projects.

Each topic is presented with; videos, activities, projects, crafts, books.... to understand the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of each theme, including how they connect to our lives today:

What, When, Where, How, Who, and Why of Tisha B'Av: #1-#6
Geography: Where was the Beit Hamikdash, Why? #7-#12
12 Tribes, Map: #10
History of events on the 9th of Av: #13-#18, #20-#21, #24
12 Spies of Israel:#13
Destruction of the First and Second Beit Hamikdash and Beitar: #14-#15
Video: Beit Hamikdash in 3D: #19
Can You Feel the Holiday? #22-#23
Sinat Chinam / Hatred: #25-#39
Kamtza and Bar-Kamtza:#25-#39
How can you deflate an intense situation? #31
How to be a Good Friend: #32-#39
Qualities of a Good Friend /Building the Beit Hamikdash: #32-#36, #97-#108, #146
Song:“Heni matov umanaym shevet achim gam yachad, Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” Tehilim/ Psalm 133:1: #37-#45
Caring for Others/ Vahhavta Leracha Kamocha / Love your fellow as yourself; Through; Dance, Songs, Science, Psychology, Reflection, Introspection, Games, Crafts, Art, Grammar, Literature; #46-#66, #91-#96
From Bullies to Buddies, How To Turn Your Enemies into Friends; #63
Chutes and Ladders Game of Good Deeds; #66
Traditions & Customs: #67-#72, #82-#85
Kinot /Lamentations: #73-#78
10 tips for a meaningful Tisha B’Av at home:#86
More Videos and children's videos about Tisha B'Av: #79-#90
The Temple Mount, Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. Kotel HaMaaravi/ The Western Wall/ Wailing Wall.:#109-#132
"Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim / If I forget Yerushalyim, I should forget the power of my right hand…”(Tehilim/Psalms 137;5-6) #133-#144
L’Shana Habaha B’Yerushalayim / Next Year In Jerusalem: #145, #147-#150

Chagim / Holidays: Tu B'Av / 15th of Av / The Holiday of Love / Jewish Valentine's Day

 Click here for more activities and projects for TU B'Av : If you have difficulty opening this link please try the same post for  Free  ...