Saturday, December 18, 2021

Parshat Shemot

 Click here to see the activities/ projects for Parshat Shemot:

If you have difficulty opening this link please try the same post for Free at Teachers Pay Teachers:

Learning the Parsha/ Pesach/ Passover through interactive, hands-on, fun cross-curricular (Science, Art, Math, Geography, Psychology, Reading, Writing, Research, Language Arts, Social, Sensorial, Practical Life, Recipes, Philosophy, Agriculture, Traditions and Customs, History, etc.) projects, Montessori materials and sometimes thought provoking activities for ages 2-18 years old.

How the themes of the Parsha resound and can assist us in our everyday lives.

Some of the topics in this week's Parsha connection include:
Slavery & Pyramids: #1-#16
Midwives: #17
Peer Pressure: #18, #37-#42
If You Save One Person It Is As If You Have Saved The Whole World: #19, #36
White Lies: #20
Never Give Up!: #23, #85
Moshe / Moses / Moises Ark / Basket: #24- #36
Helping Human Beings / Righteous Among The Nations: #37-#43
Peace Conflict Resolution: #44-#45
Lashon Hara, Speaking Bad About Others: #46
Bullying; #47
You Never Know How Far One Good Can Reach!: #48-49
Hebrew Names/ Significance of a Name: #51-#52, #72
Sneh, Burning Bush: #53-#55, 59
Fire Education: #56-#58
Humbleness: #60, #71
Shoes: #61-#70
Being Genuinely Happy For Someone Else: #77
Social Graces: #80
Family Tree: #81
Morse Code: #74-#75, #83
Power of Prayer: #84
Geology & History: #87
Hieroglyphics & Modern Hieroglyphics: #87-#92
Genuine Leader: #94-#95
Haftorah: #96
Torah Summary:#97-#98
Torah Art: #99

Here is a sample page: 

Chagim / Holidays: Tu B'Av / 15th of Av / The Holiday of Love / Jewish Valentine's Day

 Click here for more activities and projects for TU B'Av : If you have difficulty opening this link please try the same post for  Free  ...